发布时间:2024-11-25 19:27:02
本文摘要:Chinese giant PC producer Lenovo has completed the $2.9 billion acquisition of the handset unit in the iconic mobilemaker Motorola Mobility, fortifying its positions in the US and other developed markets.中国生产个人电脑的大公司联想集团早已以29亿美元已完成了对摩托罗拉移动的并购,这巩固了该公司在美国和其他繁盛市场的地位。

Chinese giant PC producer Lenovo has completed the $2.9 billion acquisition of the handset unit in the iconic mobilemaker Motorola Mobility, fortifying its positions in the US and other developed markets.中国生产个人电脑的大公司联想集团早已以29亿美元已完成了对摩托罗拉移动的并购,这巩固了该公司在美国和其他繁盛市场的地位。Beijing-based Lenovo Group bought Motorola from Google, the deal elevating it to the worlds third largest smartphone producer, moving Xiaomi Corp., another Chinese smartphone maker better known in the West as ‘Mi, to the fourth position.坐落于北京的联想集团从谷歌那里并购了摩托罗拉移动,这次并购使该集团沦为世界第三大手机制造商,而中国更加西方国家所熟悉的智能手机制造商“小米”公司被塞满了第四名。By building a strong number three and a credible challenger to the top two in smartphones, we will give the market something it has needed: choice, competition and a new spark of innovation, Lenovo CEO Yang Yuanqing said in a statement on the companys website.联想集团首席执行官杨元庆在公司官网的一份声明中提及,“在强化全球第三大智能手机厂商地位的同时,我们向前两名输掉发动强有力的挑战,我们将为市场带给面对市场需求的产品:更好的自由选择、极具竞争力和创意的产品”。Yuanqing says Motorola provides a shortcut for entering mature markets and will make the Chinese company a global player.元庆说道,摩托罗拉为该集团转入成熟期了市场修筑了捷径,联想集团也将因此构建“业务遍布全球”。

Rick Osterloh, President of Motorola Mobility, will remain in his role. And the company, with its total of 3,500 employers, will become a fully-owned subsidiary of Lenovo, but will continue to be headquartered in Chicago.Lenovo has headquarters in Morrisville, NC, Beijing, and Singapore.摩托罗拉移动的总裁Rick Osterloh将之后兼任原职,而这家总共享有3500名员工的公司将沦为联想集团的全资子公司,但摩托罗拉的总部仍坐落于芝加哥。误解在莫里斯维尔、新喀里多尼亚、北京和新加坡都另设运营中心。

Google acquired Motorola in 2012 for $12.4 billion, but failed to bring the iconic mobile maker back to growth. Lenovo claims it would revive the firm within the next 18 months, as it expects to sell about 100 million devices this year.谷歌于2012年以124亿美元并购了摩托罗拉,但未能让该公司的经营状况获得完全恢复。联想公司称之为,该公司将在接下来的18个月让这家公司兴起,误解预计在今年卖出大约1亿台的移动设备。

