发布时间:2024-12-05 19:27:01
本文摘要:Farming of the future: Toshibas cleanfactory farm where three million bags of lettuce are grown without sunlight ORsoil未来的农业:东芝“洗手的”工厂化农场里栽种300万袋生菜,没阳光也没土壤Japanese technology giant Toshiba ha sunveiled a huge factory farm where it is growing various types of lettuceleaves without sunlight or soil for sale in its new healthcare business.日本科技巨头东芝公司发布了一个巨型工厂化农场,里面种着各种各样的生菜叶,没阳光也没土壤。

Farming of the future: Toshibas cleanfactory farm where three million bags of lettuce are grown without sunlight ORsoil未来的农业:东芝“洗手的”工厂化农场里栽种300万袋生菜,没阳光也没土壤Japanese technology giant Toshiba ha sunveiled a huge factory farm where it is growing various types of lettuceleaves without sunlight or soil for sale in its new healthcare business.日本科技巨头东芝公司发布了一个巨型工厂化农场,里面种着各种各样的生菜叶,没阳光也没土壤。该公司新的正式成立的医疗保健部门将销售这些蔬菜。

Located in disused 21,000--squarefoot electronics factory in Yokosuka, Toshiba claims to have createda perfect germ free environment where it will grow three million bags of lettuce a year.这个农场原本是个荒废的电子厂,座落在横须贺,该公司称之为建构了一个“无菌的”环境,每年里面可以栽种300万袋生菜。Completely cut off from conditions outsidethe temperature and humidity controlled isolation tank, lettuce inspectors wearfull body suits while making notes on the quality and growth of the leaves on their iPads in order to prevent the air around theplants becoming contaminated.这些蔬菜被栽种在可掌控温度和湿度的隔绝水池里,生菜监管人员穿着上连体衣,用iPads记录产品质量和生长情况,如此可避免植物周围的空气受到污染。Each plant is blasted with artificial lighting to trick it into believing it is exposed to sunlight, while vitamins and nutrients are injected directly into its roots, meaning the lettuce does not need soil.用于人工灯光,从而愚弄植物令其其以为这是确实的日光,并必要给植物根部静脉注射维他命和营养素,意味著这些生菜并不需要营养。The goal of Toshibas new high-tech farm is to produce the worlds highest quality lettuce.东芝公司的这家新纪录科技农场的目标是生产降生界上质量最差的生菜。

The final product will be free of any formof bacteria, fungi or insect life before being placed into sealed bags, which should ensure the product has a longer shelf life than other lettuces.最后出来的产品将不不含任何形式的细菌,真菌或者昆虫,然后被放进密封袋,如此其保质期不会比一般的生菜要长。Toshiba aims to harvest three million bags of leaf lettuce, baby leaf greens, spinach, mizuna and herbs every year - witheach bag likely to cost consumers 1.东芝的目标是每年进账300万袋的油麦菜,莴苣,菠菜,日本沙拉菜以及草本植物——每一袋的售价约是1英镑。The lettuce factory is no marketing gimmick by Toshiba, however. Insteadit represents the companys latest attempt to diversify its technology-led business.然而,这个生菜工厂并非东芝公司的抹黑不道德。

而是该公司为多样化经营而作出的探寻。There are already plans for the technology giant to build similar factories around the world over the coming years - andit will also be selling the high tech equipment that allows factories to produce similar products of exceptionally high quality.该科技巨头早已有计划未来几年在全球修建类似于的工厂,而且也不会销售这方面的高科技设备,从而让类似于的工厂生产出有高品质的农产品。

