Funny, a made-in-China emoji, inclusively used on Tieba, the largest Chinese communication platform provided by the search engine giant Baidu, seems to have recently moved beyond just China.“贴吧”是中国仅次于的交流平台,由搜索引擎巨头“百度”发售。同时,它也是中国生产的表情符号“诙谐”的原生地。
近来,“诙谐”或许已走进了中国的大门。Now, it is more than an emoji, but a cultural derivation.如今,它已某种程度只是一个表情符号,堪称一种文化派生物。Reaching global markets转入国际市场A series of funny emoji-based bolsters have attracted the attention of Japanese customers through Amazon Japan, an online shopping center.一系列“诙谐”的主题抱枕在日本的网上购物中心“亚马逊日本车站”上更有了日本消费者的留意。Even if one bolster costs about 1,750 yen ($16.73), more than three times the price in China, it doesnt dampen their desires to buy it.即使一个抱枕的价格高达1750日元(16.73美元),多达在中国价格的三倍,人们的出售热情仍旧十分强大。
One Japanese customer Miki said:一位日本消费者Miki回应:They are just so cute and I bought three bolsters at one time for my family.“这些抱枕实在太甜美了,我一次买了三个回家。And every time I see them, my mood just brightens suddenly.而且每次看见它们,我的心情就马上转晴。“I think the emoji implies very complicated meanings.“我实在这个表情包括着非常复杂的意味。Different people can read different things from it.有所不同的人能借此朗读有所不同的意思。
For example, my dad will send it on the occasion when he did not agree with someone but he has to say something and behave politely.比如我父亲,每当他不表示同意别人的观点,但不须说道点儿什么报以礼貌的时候,他就不会发送到这个表情。But one of my friends think it is nothing but an expression of fun, said one Japanese netizen Kiro Kara.但我的一个朋友就实在它不过是一个冷笑话的表情,没什么其他含义,”一位日本网民Kiro Kara如是说。Addition to Domestic Social Media“诙谐”在国内社交媒体中的其他本意Compared with Japanese peoples impressions of the funny emoji, Chinese netizens prefer to use the emoji to tease one another on social media.不同于日本人对“诙谐”表情的解读,中国网民经常在社交网站上用它嘲讽别人。One commonly seen comment on the emoji in Zhihu, the Chinese version of Quora, is:知乎(中国版Quora)上有一种很少见的论调:We strongly require Tieba to stop the usage of the emoji.“我们强烈建议贴吧暂停‘诙谐’的用于。
Because every time other people send me the emoji, I feel very uncomfortable and consider myself as a fool.因为每次别人发送给我这个表情时,我都很玩笑,还以为自己是个白痴。”Reputed as the most popular emoji on Tieba, the funny emoji has received much attention since its release in 2013. As a matter of fact, the funny emoji is the updated version of the drool emoji.作为贴吧上最风行的表情符号,“诙谐”自2013年经常出现后受到了很多注目。只不过,“诙谐”是“流口水”的Ultra。
Compared with the original, funny has a slightly opened mouth, a dull red flush and two eyebrows.与“流口水”比一起,“诙谐”的嘴头顶张开,脸上多了两团红晕和两根眉毛。And all these characteristics render users a sense of satire, according to one insider.据一位国人说道,“诙谐”的种种脸部特征都给人一种嘲讽的感觉。
If you think the emotion is the only cause for the funny emoji to go viral online, then you are wrong.如果你实在“诙谐”展现出出来的情绪是唯一使其爆红网络的原因,那么你就拢了。In the next several years, the funny emoji has undergone many transformations and gradually engulfed the internet.在其公布后的几年中,“诙谐”经过很多次更新,才最后占领网络。
For example, the emoji is the first one on Tieba to have multi-color variations in red, orange, green, blue, bluish green, and purple。例如,“诙谐”是第一个享有多种色彩版本的贴吧表情,还包括红色的,橘色的,绿色的,蓝色的,蓝绿的,还有紫色的。When users utilize the shortcut key to send them together, its exaggerated effect is amplified.当用户按下快捷键将它们一起发送到过来时,这个表情的滑稽效果就更进一步缩放了。
If you do not know this rule, you should check here.如果你还不告诉这个规则的话,想到这篇文章吧。Meanwhile, the funny emoji is well-adopted in many settings and successfully gains attention outside Tibeba.而且,“诙谐”限于于有所不同的聊天场景,在贴吧之外的平台上也大受欢迎。For instance, the Quilt-Covering, the Police-Acting and Smoking versions are causing a stir everywhere in Chinese social life.比如“垫被子”、“反串警员”和“吸烟”的版本,它们风行中国社交生活的各个角落。In Everyday Use Abroad捕食在国外的日常生活里This is not the first time the Chinese emoji takes the world stage.“诙谐”不是第一个攀上国际舞台的中国表情。
Earlier this year, one emoji from the Chinese basketball celebrity Yao Ming has been spread through the Middle East region.今年早些时候,中国知名篮球运动员姚明的一款表情在中东地区广为流传。In Luxor, a city in southern Egypt, Yaos smiling emoji has emerged frequently in local traffic signs to remind people the road ahead is one-way.在埃及南部的一座城市卢克索,姚明笑的表情常常被用于当地交通指示牌,警告人们前方是单行道。
And you may be surprised to find that many locals do not know Yao Ming but are familiar with his emoji and nickname Chinese Funny Face.或许你不会实在愤慨,只不过当地人并不了解姚明,但他们却对他的表情和“中国无厘头脸”的昵称很熟知。Whats more, the emoji has been picked up by the Egyptian English-language daily newspaper Egyptian Gazette as the title picture for its humorous column Serious but Funny.这个表情还被埃及的英语日报《埃及人报》值得一提的是其诙谐专栏《坦率而无厘头》的标题图片。
Whats more, due to the huge influences of Chinese Sina Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, many renowned western celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio and Madonna have opened their personal accounts on the platform.此外,被新浪微博(中国版推特)的极大影响力更有,不少西方名人,比如莱昂纳多.迪卡普里奥和麦当娜都登记了个人微博账号。Many Chinese fans are excited about this and now choose to greet them with their own funny pictures, a behavior arousing the attention of foreign media.很多中国粉丝因此十分兴奋,还用这些明星的无厘头表情对他们回应青睐,这个不道德更有了外媒的注意力。
American private Internet media company BuzzFeed reported on the cultural phenomenon.美国私人网络媒体公司Buzzfeed对这个文化现象做到了报导。As a newly emerging online language, emojis have risen to become an integral part of peoples daily life.作为一种网络新兴语言,表情符号早已升级沦为人们日常生活必不可少的一部分。Emojis are able to help people express their views in a more vivid and precise fashion.表情符号的经常出现,使得人们需要用更加生动、简练而时尚的方式传达自己的观点。Also, it can help foreigners learn about Chinese culture and learn the language.而且它还能协助外国人自学中国文化和汉语。
As Chinese emojis have slowly entered the world stage, how to properly use the fifth innovation in China, a humorous name for emojis, without hurting others and how to turn them into commercial advantages still need answers.随着中国表情符号攀上国际舞台,有人诙谐地称之为它为“中国第五大发明者”,但是如何在不损害他人的前提下合理地运用它、如何将它转化成一种商业优势,依然尚待研究。